Please copy and paste this letter into your email borrower: 

As a concerned parent of a Claremont Immersion School student {OR: as a concerned member of the Claremont neighborhood}, the condition of the play grounds at Claremont Immersion has been a frequent topic of discussion and frustration. I was disappointed to learn that Claremont’s Principal and members of our PTA have repeatedly reached out to APS Facilities about the horrible conditions in the Claremont school yard only to be told it would "cost too much" to solve the problem.  There must be a way APS, the PTA, and the school can work together to come up with some type of solution. 

As you can see from the recently taken pictures here, much of Claremont's school yard is covered in small sharp rocks. You’ll no doubt agree this is a serious safety hazard for the students.

As a result, teachers and staff have to direct students to play in the field between the "relocatables" and playground equipment. The over use of this "green" field has in turn caused the grass to vanish, not to mention creating large mud puddles when it rains leaving even less useable space for the students to play.

If APS is going to continue increasing the student population of Claremont, increasing—not decreasing—a safe outdoor space for students should be a priority!

Together with many other concerned Claremont parents and community members, I urge you to identify the resources to rectify this critical safety concern for our students.

Thank you in advance for your attention to this problem, and I look forward to hearing from you on this important issue.


Emails can be sent to the following:

John Chadwick, Assistant Superintendent for Facilities and Operations:

Steven Bernheisel, Assistant Director of Maintenance:

Patrick Murphy, Superintendent:

School Board:

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